Top 10 skills to earn 1 lakh monthly in 2022
If you want to make a living by doing the thing you love, then it is important to gain skills or knowledge which not only gives opportunities for self-development but can also offer more to your career. By having these top ten skills can help you earn thousands of dollars in the next couple of years. All you need to do is keep on updating yourself and start using them at an earlier stage. This shows how effective these skills are as they will give you the required confidence to take on different kinds of jobs that come your way. So with this article, I would like to guide you to earn money through one skill and I hope you find it useful!
What skills do you need along with your salary in a year?
According to me, there are two types of skills, basic or technical ones which help us develop our careers much better. So in today’s post,I will help you understand what it means and need.
What about those of you who have no clue about any specific skills?
The other type is called soft-skills, which are things like interpersonal skills, communication, etc., which usually help you get hired and advance in your career. Let’s look into each kind of skills and see what you should know about them.
Let’s start with the first one i.e. Technical Skill.
What is Technical Skills, what does it mean?
It means anything that makes using computers and web development easier and even more efficient. To be exact, it includes all the skills or knowledge that a developer needs to possess in order to make a difference. These include; coding, scripting, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, database, etc. So basically, it’s all coding related knowledge which can be used for developing websites, mobile apps, etc.
So what skills are involved here?
Programming Language – Coding Language is the one I’m going to talk about in this section. It is essential for making websites and developing products. But what programming language you should know is it doesn’t matter, because it may be Python, Java, Ruby, JavaScript or another language. But you always need to learn these languages so that you can stay ahead in the job market.
Coding Language
– Coding Language is the one I’m going to talk about in this section. It is essential for making websites and developing products. But what programming language you should know is it doesn’t matter, because it may be Python, Java, Ruby, JavaScript or another language. But you always need to learn these languages so that you can stay ahead in the job market. Web Development – You may have heard the word ‘web development’ for a while but this concept is relatively new. The most popular types of web development include; PHP, JAVASCRIPT, HTML/CSS, Javascript, Ruby, Rails (for Rails), Server Side and many others. So let’s discuss everything here.
What skills are needed for it
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- These 3 main skills will certainly bring up your work portfolio. Since, it’s more about creating a website than actually building something, most of the developers think HTML is just enough, so they don’t require any skills. Well, yes HTML and CSS is very important but if you also learn CSS only, then you may end up repeating the same mistake. Not only that, when learning it, I would say never forget to learn HTML, CSS and Javascript as well. As one of the best soft skills for web developers, HTML makes the website much functional and easy to use, while Javascript and CSS is a good skill if you want to build a social media application or game app. Also consider adding some tools like GIT or GitHub to store your code and provide other people access to it online.
– Those are three main skills that make the web development easier and more efficient. Since, it’s more about creating a website than actually building something, most of the developers think HTML is just enough, so they don’t require any skills. Well, yes HTML and CSS is very important but if you also learn CSS only, then you may end up repeating the same mistake. Not only that, when learning it, I would say never forget to learn HTML, CSS and Javascript as well. As one of the best soft skills for web developers, HTML makes the website much functional and easy to use, while Javascript and CSS is a good skill if you want to build a social media application or game app. Also consider adding some tools like GIT or GitHub to store your code and provide other people access to it online. Graphic Design – When you are designing logos or web page, you need to check off all the boxes that you got on the job description. The graphic designer has to understand all the aspects of the project and the product. So what skills you need to complete such projects can vary from logo design to video editing, animation, and many more. With just being able to pass basic visual exams, you can also take courses like Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom. All kinds of software like Final Cut Pro X, FinalCutPro X, Adobe Dreamweaver, etc, can help you to create amazing images, graphics and videos on almost every platform.
– When you are designing logo or web page, you need to check off all the boxes that you got on the job description. The graphic designer has to understand all the aspects of the project and the product. So what skills you need to complete such projects can vary from logo design to video editing, animation, and many more. With just being able to pass basic visual exams, you can also take courses like Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom. All kinds of software like Final Cut Pro X, FinalCutPro X, Adobe Dreamweaver, etc, can help you to create amazing images, graphics and videos on almost every platform. Graphic Designing – The entire world is becoming digital and graphic designing plays an integral part in making sure its quality is impeccable. Apart from providing art design services, it’s also your job to create brand identity by getting your business out there. A huge deal of companies go for this particular approach. You may be wondering What can we expect nowadays when it comes to graphic designs? Are there any other professionals who follow the above mentioned industry? No. There are freelance designers, agencies, freelancers, and many others but the point is, there isn’t too much choice anymore. Just choose based on your expertise and experience and apply accordingly. If you are someone who loves working on graphic designing projects, then you should definitely consider mastering that particular aspect. Now, after understanding the basics, consider whether you enjoy it or not. Then move on and begin mastering those things. Eventually, you want your clients to get satisfied with the work. There are several areas where you can showcase your work and show your creativity as well. Here are few examples:
– Showcase Your Work
– Tell Their Clients About Yourself
– Do A Demo Or Project
– Get Recommendations
– Help Other Companies Make Their Products Look Better Than They Do
– Try Something New While Helping Your Career Grow At The Same Time
– Deliver High Quality Content From Various Platforms
– Offer Free Resources
– Share Details Of Your Projects
– Keep Them Up To Date And Post Updates Frequently
– Answer Questions Frequently Asked By Clients
In conclusion, keep learning and moving forward. Don't ever stop being creative and do what you really like doing. That's all about your mindset. Always try to do your own work, take inspiration and follow your passion rather than following anyone else. If you are an amateur web developer then your focus shouldn’t be limited here, you need to continue learning and improving yourself. There are plenty of free resources like YouTube, Coursera, etc. which will teach you everything you needed to know so you can master whatever you are interested in. As long as it’s not complex stuff, you are bound to succeed. Good luck!